2nGjyaM0o1rqhFuD65616DjpVfI Juicebox Confession: Letting Go

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Letting Go

Some days are easier than others. Sometimes the darkness over comes me. I fight against my instinct to hide. To crawl into bed and sleep through it. Instead, I reach out. I write. I empty my dark, heavy emotions onto the computer screen and into the ears of those who love me.

Much to my surprise, I nearly immediately feel better. The pressure valve to my brain is released. The fog that takes up residence in my head, making my brain nearly useless, starts to lift.

I am able to see a little clearer. I am able to listen to advice without feeling hateful towards the well-intentioned giver. I am able to actually listen. And one time, I heard something I needed to hear:

“Expectations are our worst enemy.”

If I am to let go of expectations, of how my day should be, how my daughter should behave, how my life should look, I will end up being less hard on myself.

I cannot express how right on that advice was. I do need to let go of expectations. Disappointment leads directly to frustration for me. That, in turn, quickly dissolves into anger and sadness and depression. If I stop it at the root, I will save myself from a lot of darkness.

My expectations used to be in black and white. Good or bad. Ok was never an option. Now I am trying to revel in the grey. Letting go of the notion of right or wrong and embracing neutrality.

I am also embracing the moments. I am focused on right now, not what I think should happen next. All I have is now, today, this second. I have come to love these small moments, even if they are not the ones I planned or envisioned. Most of the time, when I finally let go, when I finally put my expectations behind me, beauty happens. Moments I could never dream of occur.

Moments like, “You are the best mommy I could ever dream of. I love you.”

I will not allow the darkness to take that away from me. 


  1. Love you and your awesome writings <3

  2. Replies
    1. I am slowly learning that. I chose happiness.

      Thanks for everything, lady. Everything. XOXO

  3. Perfect words for all moms, all women really ... letting go of expectations takes the weight of the world off your shoulder and embracing the moment is so healing! <3

    1. Thank you. Let it go. It feels so much better once the weight is gone. Thank you so much for reading!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you!! That means so so so much to me. <3
