I have not been posting/writing much these days. The sun has made it's yearly debut and we have been venturing outside as much as possible. Hours are spent in the yard or at the park or on an adventure to find treasures in the forest.
Meanwhile, I am still feeling the familiar queasiness that comes with early pregnancy. I am in the second trimester so it is starting to wane but it still throws me off my game some days. In addition to physically feeling slightly drained, I have been emotionally distracted. I am at a constant battle with myself to simply enjoy this immense amount of gratitude and squash the anxiety that tragedy could be around the next bend. There is nothing that has triggered any worry, other than my past. It is hard to shake.
I am working on faith. Trusting in the Universe. Believing that sometimes too-good-to-be-true is actually reality being amazing. It is tough. The bad stuff is easier to believe in sometimes.
I do love that while the world around me is starting to bloom and grow new life, so am I. It is an amazing connection I have right now with nature and it is helping to ground me and focus my thoughts. I am forever grateful for reminders that no matter how harsh the Winter, the world blooms and grows every Spring.
With this new life and growth I feel a shift in my writing. I am feeling more reflective and the need to keep a journal of our ever changing lives. My sweet husband and I are finding that we kind of lost a lot of what we found important. We pushed aside some of our values for the sake of acceptance and convenience. But, as we are realizing, it has taken it's toll on our happiness and that just will not do. It is back to basics for us. Back to the fiber of our beings. Back to living a life that is so incredibly beautiful and full of gratitude.
Feels good to be free from a self-imposed oppression of sorts. So, here we are. We made it through a bitter cold Winter. My own psyche may have suffered but all will be forgotten soon. Spring has a way of washing away Winter's torments.
Here is what we have been up to in the past week or so. Thanks, as always for sticking around and reading. Stay tuned for a Spring celebration giveaway coming soon!!
Ice cream dates are the best. |
Even a simple dandelion becomes exquisite when given with as much love as this one was. |
A rainbow cookie to match her rainbow dress on a grey day. |
Sun worship. |
This. Her. Love, big big love. |
Gluten free cake for my father-in-law's birthday. Gratitude for family and cake. Always. |
Mother's Day treasures from a woodland adventure. |
Orchids for Mother's Day. So beautiful. |
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