2nGjyaM0o1rqhFuD65616DjpVfI Juicebox Confession: Less Words Wednesday: Adventure

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Less Words Wednesday: Adventure

We celebrate Easter in a wonderful mix of traditional baskets and egg hunts swirled together with our own eccentric beliefs and leanings.

It was a beautiful day so we did what we do best, we adventured. What better way to celebrate Spring and the return of green and lush landscapes?

It was magnificent.


  1. Oh Mylanta she is just so cute I could eat her!

    1. When she was really tiny I would threaten to dip her in BBQ sauce and gobble her up. One day, as I was handing her to my sister at lunch, her bare foot swiped a glob of BBQ sauce. My self control is, thankfully, pretty strong. :)

  2. I agree - a perfect way to celebrate the return of Spring!
