2nGjyaM0o1rqhFuD65616DjpVfI Juicebox Confession: Letting Go To Hold On

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Letting Go To Hold On

I had a revelation.

It wasn't earth shattering.

It didn't blow my mind.

It was a quiet, simple revelation. One that I needed and will continue to hold on to.

I spent a lot of time planning, day dreaming, and otherwise thinking about tomorrow. I was so swept up in this notion of being prepared for what the next day will bring that I realized I had missed today.

I had missed the thousands of tiny moments and details that made today amazing. I was blinded by the glowing promise of tomorrow, next month, next year.

Meanwhile, today, this moment, slowly went away, unnoticed, under appreciated.

Yesterday I did the same thing. I planned and scheduled. I prepared and I budgeted. I had hopes for the new day.

Today was that new day. The day I focused so much time on.

Instead of relishing it's arrival and enjoying every minute I had so painstakingly planned for, I started the prepping and planning all over again.

For tomorrow.

Which will never come. Instead it'll be just like today.

Unless I break the cycle.

Let go.


Enjoy the moments that make today so good.

I will focus on the present. On the details all around me. I will appreciate all the day brings so that tomorrow can be appreciated, too.

I will let go of tomorrow so that I can hold on to today.


  1. I think we are all guilty of this and truly need consistent reminders to STOP and enjoy the moment. And not just reminders, but also permission. I think as mom's, we feel like we always need to be "doing something" and we don't ... it is okay to stop and let everything sink in for a while.
    A well written post. I am enjoying your daily posts.

    1. We live in a bigger-better-faster-MORE time. We are always ten steps ahead of ourselves. It is a hard cycle to break. When I finally did, it gave me permission to breath. To look around, see what I was missing.

      Thank you so much for reading, Annette! XO
