“Don’t worry, I NEVER read HER blog…”
Like some sort of pact, the speaker alludes to camaraderie.
By not reading the “competition” she is somehow supporting you.
“That’s too bad! I do and she is fabulous!!” My answer is
almost always left with a slack jaw gaze.
Wait, WHAT? You read your “competition” AND you enjoy it?
What kind of masochist are you?
Here is an insider secret: THERE IS NO COMPETITION. (At
least not for most of us.) There is plenty of room for more writers! Always. My
voice may not be the one that speaks to a reader. It may not be the one they
relate to. There NEEDS to be more voices.
The mommy-wars have become so common place that it is
assumed that anything that women are involved in, obviously, has to become a
competition. But, what if, instead of competing, we are actually CELEBRATING?!
I belong to a handful of private groups. They are made up of
all sorts of different writers. Everyone from the hobbyist to the published
professional is represented. The common theme is celebration. Lifting each
other up.
It is always more fun when you have friends to share the
highs and lows with.
I refuse to compete with my fellow bloggers/writers.
Instead, I celebrate our similarities, our differences, and everything in
I have a close friend who writes. She has a blog as well. We
live ten minutes from each other and know a lot of the same people. Apparently
there is some sort of misunderstanding that in order to support one of us; you
have to boycott the other. They confess in hushed tones, not to worry, they
don’t ever read the others work.
This is where it gets laughable. WE READ EACH OTHER’S WORK!!
We share each other’s pieces and support one another. We celebrate our
victories and comfort each other’s pitfalls. We are friends. That is what
friends do.
Why does everything have to be a competition? Why must we
turn our backs on one person in order to support another? I say reach out with
both hands. Help to pull them BOTH up. Life is not all or nothing. Life happens
amongst the grey, not in black and white.
Life is better when you have someone to count on. This is
not a competition. This is a CELEBRATION. Enjoy it.
Please sigh up to receive all of my new posts in your inbox, I promise to never spam you or share your address.

Great post!!! I couldn't agree more. Wouldn't we all be so much better off if we helped each other and shared our wisdom and experiences? I am proud to say that you are my friend and have helped me out so many times in just the short time I've been blogging. I refuse to get caught up in the silly competition drama. I like to celebrate all my bloggy friends, because they are all great in their own way :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you! I believe in building up community. What a lonely place this would be without friends. I also believe in looking competition in the eye and stomping on it's foot. There is so much to write about and so many voices, it is great!
DeleteThank YOU for all your support and friendship. XOXO
This idea runs so rampant in society and is interwoven into business and blogging. I love that the fruits of a win-win mentality are so much more abundant than the harvest of sour grapes that comes from one where win-lose thinking dominates.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. I know it is in our nature as humans to be competitive. But sometimes, it is so much better to work together. Thanks for reading!! XOXO
DeleteI TOTALLY agree. I have found that some of my best blogging relationships have come out of sharing, commenting, and reading each other's work. And better yet, it's inspiring to read other blogs because you get more things to think about and in turn right about! :)
ReplyDeleteExactly!! It is all part of the circle of blogging. Read, comment, make connection, get inspired, write kick ass piece, receive comments, make connections, read more......
DeleteThanks for stopping by!!
Definitely agree with you about celebrating our differences than focusing on competing with one another. I walked away from the local blogging groups because it was just so catty and about who was doing better than whom. Those of us who had small blogs and/or were not mommies were usually cast aside (yup, me) for whatever reason. The bigger bloggers had this attitude that their poop didn't stink. Sure they'd claim to want to help but when it came down to it it was either you get it or you don't and we're not going to bother with you if you don't.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that you had that experience. It stinks. My closest circle of blogging friends includes mommies, daddies, and non-parents. I love the variety. It should be celebrated.
DeleteThank you so very much for reading!!
aww, this was beautiful! This is why I love blogging and haven't given up! I started getting so many DIY ideas from other blogs! I admire them, I enjoy them and I still want to read them!!! If we only read our own stuff, there wouldn't be an audience! Love ya!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!!! I love finding new bloggers and reading new ideas. Variety is the spice of life, right? XOXO
DeleteAgreed. I read the people I enjoy. If someone enjoys reading what I write, they may enjoy reading some of the same people I enjoy. I'm not a competitive person.
ReplyDeleteIt is refreshing to hear that not everyone is competitive. I say the more the merrier!! Thank you for reading my stuff!!
Deleteyeah, I've never understood the not supporting one another! we are all in this together and we are stronger when we support each other. Great post! Great way of thinking!
ReplyDeleteIt is completely baffling to me. I see the competitive folks clawing and scratching at each other, still on the bottom rung, meanwhile the folks who support and lend a helping hand are swiftly climbing the ladder, together. Thank you for reading!! XOXO
DeleteLove this ... yes, there is always room for more voices!
ReplyDeleteALWAYS!! Thank you SO much for reading!
DeleteI love reading other blogs. I wish I had more time to read and comment, because the more I read, the better I become. I've often stumbled upon a blog post idea just by starting a comment...and then I HAVE to go finish it immediately. It's awesome.
ReplyDeleteI love that! I find myself getting inspired by fellow writers all the time. I agree, the more you read, the better you will become. Thank you very much for reading my words!! XO
DeleteI didn't even know this was a "thing"! I had no idea there was such a weirdness between followings! I'm shocked and awed when people tell me that they also read "so and so's" blog! Makes me feel big league ;)
ReplyDeleteYou are big league. You are one of my biggest supporters. I hope you never stop writing. XOXO
DeleteI find that the success of my blog only IMPROVES when I read and uplift other bloggers! You are absolutely right, and I thank you for all the support you've given me.
ReplyDeleteThanks lady! I agree. The more I uplift others and lend a helping hand/ear the better my blog does. Plus, it feels great to see someone you have helped out do well. It takes a village, right?